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Tenbo Air is a mission-focused company. We are dedicated to working for the common good and doing what's right. We are passionate about helping our clients build safer, faster, and more economically than ever before. We will work together to build a better world.


Tenbo Air was founded in 2014 as a division of Joule Solar Energy in New Orleans, assisting with the design and inspection of rooftop solar arrays. Over time, the founders realized the potential of the company far exceeded rooftop solar. The division was spun-off from Joule and became an independent company in 2016.


Tenbo Air teams up with those who build and improve the roofs over our heads, and the infrastructure in between. Our solutions are specialized for the construction, mining, engineering, real estate, insurance, and energy industries. Focus is key to providing our clients with the highest quality solutions. No one can serve two masters -- ours is a vision of the way the world should be built better. Our teammates share this vision, and will make it a reality.


Tenbo Air is committed to operating safely and responsibly. Our clients trust us to handle the details, deploy qualified people, and to keep the dirty work clean. Extensive safety and best-practices training for our field personnel limits risk at the source. Further, we maintain significant insurance coverage to mitigate liability for ourselves and for our clients. We also work closely with expert legal counsel and the FAA to understand and abide by current regulations.


Tenbo Air is an applied-robotics company. Today, we primarily use "drones" to provide innovative solutions to our clients. But our aspirations far exceed drones. We are industrialists and  technologists above all, passionate about leveraging any and all tools to build our world better, safer, and faster than before thought possible.


We are a human-company first, and a technology-company second. We believe in a world where people invent and innovate with technological-capital to build a better world for themselves and others. Technology does not exist to replace jobs; rather, it exists to augment human work, improving the safety and productivity of our labor. In our Technology Age, commitment to education and a relentless passion to innovate are  paramount.


We understand all too well that in the field, there is no "edit undo", so we take great pains to train our field engineers on best safety practices and contingency planning to get the job done right the first time. On the data management and analytics-side, we work closely with our clients to intimately understand project requirements and technological limitations, in order to minimize error, optimize accuracy, and deliver the highest possible quality end-product.

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