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Stunning, smooth, high-resolution footage that shows off your best work.



At Tenbo Air, we believe good marketing isn't simply good storytelling. Rather, good marketing is telling a true story well. Our clients are building an incredible world and have amazing true stories. Good marketing collateral is essential for any organization that wants to highlight capabilities, brand, and vision to its stakeholders, both internally and externally. Some of our most successful clients have inspired us with the internal marketing collateral they've put together, particularly to communicate best operating and safety practices to their employees and plant visitors. It is frequently these same clients that also recognize the value of an active external marketing effort for highlighting their efforts and successes to the outside world. We and our clients have discovered that the tools we use for solving big problems can also be useful tools for highlighting those same success stories.


Marketing is inherently creative, and feeds off original content. Acquiring original content, particularly via drone, introduces certain safety and quality considerations to make sure the job is done right. For any marketing effort, our leadership team will first brainstorm about the end objectives with the client's marketing representatives. We believe it is crucial to understand our client's vision, story, and brand, as these attributes will inspire originality in our entire process from beginning to end. Almost anyone can operate a drone, but not anyone can capture truly original and high quality content and then turn around a final media product that achieves their client's end vision. We and our clients are builders and makers, technologists and industrialists. We understand this vision, and the importance of highlighting our client's accomplishments for the present and for posterity. That gravity inspires our planning, and eventually the end product.


Tenbo Air field engineers are well trained for complex data collection efforts in order to excel in our other solution areas. Training covers a variety of platforms and sensors, flight planning applications, autonomous flight operations, manual flight techniques, use of proximity avoidance sensors, and the variability of camera parameters. All of these variables can be leveraged to great effect in the field for acquiring original and stunning marketing footage. Since many of our marketing operations cover industrial and technical applications, we try to work closely with a subject matter expert to improve the quality of the raw marketing collateral.


The greatest challenge is having quality raw collateral to manipulate, but in the end, a story stills needs to be told and a final product still needs to be created. We maintain a suite of video editing applications and expertise in house. If you don't want to handle the final product creation yourself, or farm out to a 3rd party media company, we can handle your entire marketing project from start to finish. Though we do not market ourselves as a media company and admit certain limitations, we have found that our in-house editing capabilities satisfy 75% or more of our clients' requirements, and usually at lower budget than a typical media company.


Because of the creative nature of marketing projects, we anticipate some back-and-forth following initial delivery, and always aim to deliver our best effort product ahead of schedule. We understand that our initial product can inspire additional ideas, which can only mean an even better end product. It is important that we and the client work together to create space and time for creative conversation and ideation, as final marketing products are often derivatives of the initial deliverable. Unless requested otherwise by a client, we always maintain cloud backups of raw and final marketing collateral. Times and teams are always evolving, and we appreciate the importance of being able to easily dig up old footage for a new marketing initiative.


Best of all, our marketing work is 100% royalty free. When you engage us to work on a project, the data and final product is yours, no strings attached.


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